大侠急救2003-09-26 12:33:00
Compay presario 700. Windows Xp home

我有recovery CD from compay and D drive (FAT32) with our preinstalled system files.

I can see D drive only. It seems C drive is not partitioned. When I make factory recovery, it say so too. It asked to partition first before make full recovery. I have no emergency disk nor windows xp system CD either. How can I make C drive back without damaging D drive ( all files from factor, needed for full preinstallation).

By the way my computer crashed after one day in sleeping mode. Now it stops after you make any chioce from F8 promp menu. I need help please. No matter to loss the files on C drive only for d drive

WatersDai2003-09-26 15:33:00
回复:WinXp Home crashed