arening2004-04-28 21:50:49
看到楼下几个有关windows messenger的问题,网上找了一下,贴在这儿。时间关系没有整理。

Tip: When you sign in to Messenger, it remembers every email address/.net passport that you signed in under. To remove
an item from the list of remembered names: Start/Run/control userpasswords2. Advanced/Manager Passwords.

Tip: Easiest method to disable Messenger: C:\Program Files\Messenger and either rename the Messenger folder to
something like "MessengerOLD" or just move it.

Remove Messenger from XP

Start/Run/RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

Disable Messenger

Start/Run/gpedit.msc/Admistrative Templates/Windows Components/Windows Messenger. Alter your settings in the right pane. (For Pro)

Stop Windows Messenger from Auto-Starting

Simply delete the following Registry Key:


Uninstall Messenger

You have to edit sysoc.inf (located in /WINDOWS/inf). Under [Components] you should see the following line:
msmsgs=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,hide,7. Take the word 'hide' out of the line, and it should look like this:
msmsgs=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,,7. Exit and save.

Go to Add or Remove Programs, and click on Add/Remove Windows Components. There you should now be able to uncheck the MSN Messenger Service, and by clicking Next it will uninstall.

Remove MSN Messenger from Outlook Express and Prevent the Delay


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Outlook Express. Value Name: Hide Messenger, Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value), Value Data: (2 = remove messenger). Create a new DWORD value, or modify the existing value, called 'Hide Messenger' and set the value to 2.

Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.

Disable/Remove Windows Messenger

Remove Windows Messenger
Disable/Remove Windows Messenger including an option for OE

Hotmail is slow after disabling/removing Messenger

The side effects are not known as of yet: Start/Run/Regedit

Right click on the Messenger.MsgrObject key and select rename. Rename it to Messenger.MsgrObjectold

This will prevent Messenger from loading when you access your account via the Hotmail web page, it will also prevent the delay when Messenger has been removed or disabled.

Preventing Microsoft Messenger from Automatically Signing in

Start/Run/control userpasswords2/Advanced tab. Manage Passwords/Delete (Passport) Entries. Open MSN Messenger (click here to sign in) enter passport e-mail address and password and leave the Sign Me In Automatically unchecked.

Tip: Change the MSN Messenger Background Image

This tweak allows you to change the background bitmap image in the MSN Messenger service. Locate the installation directory for MSN Messenger on your system (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Messenger"). This location can also be found in the registry in the "InstallationDirectory" value at [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MessengerService].

Rename the "lvback.gif" file in the installation directory to "lvback.old". Then copy and rename the new background GIF file to the same directory as "lvback.gif". Restart MSN Messenger for the change to take effect.

Remove/Add Items from remembered list in Messenger login

When you sign in to Messenger, it remembers every email address / .net passport that you signed in under. To remove an item from the list of remembered names:

1. In Start menu select Run
2. enter: "control userpasswords2"
3. Go to Advanced tab
4. Select Manage Passwords Button
5. Add or Remove items at will

Windows Tip: Remove Ads from XP's Messenger

Strip Messenger of those annoying advertisements.

By Morgan Webb
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Ads are everywhere. Why tolerate them in Windows XP Messenger? In just a couple of short steps, you can be ad-free forever.

First, get rid of the little Messenger men in the background of your buddy list. You can turn the semi-transparent Messenger logo into a picture of anything you want. I used a picture of myself but vanity is by no means a prerequisite for this little project.

Open your Messenger program folder and locate lvback.gif, or do a search for it on your computer.
You can modify this picture to whatever you want, or you can save a different picture in its place. The new picture doesn't even have to be the same size!
Exit out of Messenger and restart it.
Your new picture should be ready for all to see.

Now, if you are one of the unlucky people who has rotating ads on the bottom of your buddy list, follow the steps below to kill them dead:

Exit out of MSN Messenger completely.
Locate the file "links.txt" on your computer.
It should be in your C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temp directory, but if you search your hard drive for "links.txt" it should be the only file to appear.
Open the file in Notepad.
Highlight and erase the entire contents of the file. The file should contain links.
Save the file.
Right-click the file and choose Properties.
Check the "Read-Only" box so MSN Messenger will be unable to write new links to the file.
Now when you open MSN Messenger, there will be one basic MSN logo in the buddy list instead of rotating logos.
This basic logo is stored on your computer, in the messenger program folder, as logo.gif. You can rename logo.gif to logobak.gif (or delete it altogether) and the normal ad space will appear blank.
You can change logo.gif into whatever picture you choose.
Need some suggestions? Perhaps a picture of a monkey smelling its butt, or maybe a little picture of your favorite feline companion. If you're feeling practical, you can create a little note reminding you to get back to work. The choice is yours.

So there's no need to stare at those ads anymore. Go forth and chat ad-free!