急的起泡2004-05-05 19:14:44
I have installed a win2k OS with NTFS format, now I want to reformat it, but I just can't remove old NTFS.

I already tried to use 4 boot disks(created when OS is installed) to remove it, but is doesn't work. Now it has been down there for weeks.

Is there anyone knowing any format software or tricks, pls help!!! Any suggestion will be highly appricated.
dddisk2004-05-05 21:22:38
也许可以2004-05-05 23:33:10
回复:试试Partition Magic
dddisk2004-05-05 23:46:14
Partition Magic是一个分区工具吧?
大名鼎鼎的PM2004-05-06 02:28:39
急的起泡2004-05-06 05:47:26
回复:About win2000 Prof. format
急的起泡2004-05-06 05:56:12
回复:About win2000 Prof. format
回复:回复:About win2000 Prof. format