Netsky2004-05-11 00:49:32
Subject: Norton AntiVirus detected a virus in a message you sent. The inf ected attachment was deleted.
Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 22:05:44 -0400

Recipient of the infected attachment: Libby Ackermann\Inbox
Subject of the message: Unknown Exception
One or more attachments were deleted
Attachment message.pif was Deleted for the following reasons:
Virus W32.Netsky.Q@mm was found.

单身老猫2004-05-11 01:11:18
回复:受到如下email, 怎麽办?
单身老猫2004-05-11 01:12:23
回复:回复:受到如下email, 怎麽办?