intothesea2004-07-15 00:00:38
Is it worthful?

$699 PIII 1.1G, 14.1", 256 RM, DVD, 30 G Hard Driver. Asking suggestion,
cancel order might be upon your good advise.

Thanks a lot!
unit852004-07-15 00:34:57
回复:IBM refurbished notebook
ppzcgg2004-07-15 00:39:30
If you wanna buy cheap ones,
intothesea2004-07-15 00:47:10
回复:回复:IBM refurbished notebook
intothesea2004-07-15 00:49:46
my budget is below 1000 and I
unit852004-07-15 00:58:46
回复:IBM refurbished notebook
intothesea2004-07-15 01:09:10
The one I booked is T23, thank
Toshiba-So2004-07-15 14:24:59
回复:my budget is below 1000 and