xyz31212003-10-03 23:03:00
本人的计算机近日见了鬼,怪事不断,敬请高手指点一二. 症状如下:

1. 使用南极星中文(Computer #1: windows 2000)
I could use the NJStar to type in Chinese Characters on the net easily a few days ago, but not for now. When I turn on the NJStar, the NJStar function is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Whenever I type in CHinese, I need to keep click on the IE window and the NJStar window(bottom part of the screen). And when I press CTRL button in IE window, the Chinese OFF/ON function does not change at all.

2. Website access(computer #2: Windows XP Home)
My internet could visit last week, but it can not visit this site anymore.

3. Website Access(Computer #3: Windows 98)
This is my laptop. I could open the chatroom at last week, but when I try to open the same chatroom this week, it gives me blank page.

Tried so many times, restarted computer for a million times, I still have no idea what happened to my computers.
