sunxiaomei2004-08-07 20:51:11
Hi, my laptop has following problem:

When it is used about 2 hours, it may display "data can not be written to disk c:" and the laptop's part close to DC power supply is very hot, the hard disk has noise sound like"zi-zi-zi",the laptop is then crashed.

Does anybody can tell me what is wrong with my laptop? Thanks very much!
PCMan!!!!!2004-08-08 01:30:25
the model?
notebook.2004-08-08 02:22:22
It is a notebook, not a laptop
sunxiaomei2004-08-08 14:57:03
回复:the model?
sunxiaomei2004-08-08 15:00:30
回复:It is a notebook, not a laptop
notebook.2004-08-08 19:01:43
回复:It is a notebook, not a laptop
建议转贴2004-08-08 19:03:46
建议转贴 :)
sunxiaomei2004-08-09 14:02:06
Thanks for your information