需要你的帮助!!!2004-08-09 15:34:03
I want to switch my ISP from cable internet to DSL, as cable internet is relatively expensive. I have 3 choices from DSL ISP:

1. DSL basic: dowload speed up to 128 Kbps.
2. High DSL: up to 3 Mbps
3. High speed ultra: 4 Mbps

If I choose DSL basic, can it meet my regular daily activity for internet, eg. news reading, e-mail, MSN messenger, light downloading, sometimes multiple game playing ?

Thanks for your help?
fanmit2004-08-09 15:51:09
关人~~2004-08-09 20:40:23
IsItStolen2004-08-10 02:58:40
Y the secrecy? Y not just tell