小佩2004-08-29 08:43:49
i just bought a HP printer today, i have encountered problem while installing the driver, it says "file 1311 source file is not found on the disk", at first i thought it was the CD problem, so i tried it on my friend's PC, but it works on his. I refunded the printer and bought a different model but same HP brand,
and i tried to install the driver, again, same error prompt pops up.

so i do believe it must be some problem with my operating system but i am scratching my head and have no clue what exactly was the problem, any PC genuis here could advise this phenomenom?

PEi Pei
肝肠寸断散2004-08-29 11:13:27
回复:Install HP Printer
小佩2004-08-29 19:51:41
回复:回复:Install HP Printer