没个准儿2004-09-02 12:28:44
多谢多谢, li218@hotmai.com
没个准儿2004-09-02 13:14:50
sorry, it is hotmail!
lele8882004-09-02 13:26:07
I just sent you one,
tygtomcom2004-09-02 13:38:00
can you give me one Gamil, thx
lele8882004-09-02 13:38:59
No I don't have any left!
lele8882004-09-02 13:40:03
you can buy it from ebay.com
没个准儿2004-09-02 14:15:06
没个准儿2004-09-02 14:24:10
change to another mail box
YouGetIt2004-09-02 16:28:49
回复:can you give me one Gamil, thx
CutOnce2004-09-02 20:00:56
makes me wonder what you
lele8882004-09-03 14:35:26
check you yahoo.fr email
tty2004-09-06 20:59:15
回复:makes me wonder what you