Hi, My computer crashed. I'm wondering if anybody would help me.
After I installed the PQpatrition program, I forgot to restart the computer and continue to use it to resize my hard drive. To finished resize, I need to restart the computer. I rebooted the computer,it did the resize job. Instead of continuing to initiate Windows, it shows the BIOS information and stop at "SDRAM at IMMEM #1" (something like that, sorry I'm not quite sure) while hard drive indicator flashing. I can't input anything. I tried restarting computer many times, It always stop there. I also tried to use floppy dish and CD-rom as 1st boot devise. It won't work either. Right now, I can only go into C-MOS mode. I know there is a DOS program running because hard drive indicator is flashing. I can use Break key to pause that program, but I can't stop it or jump off it.
I'll appreciate it very much if anybody could give me some advice. Thank!