T00TO.o2004-10-03 20:05:30
This is my first computer course in life, and i started with Java... don't ask why, but plz help me if u r an expert. This is for my school assignment.
we have to construct a method called isOlder.
this method returns true if person A (object of a class) is older than person B, false otherwise. and we are just comparing at the age of this two people.How should i code it if we are not allowed to use if statement?
Big tnx!
weirdCondi2004-10-03 22:10:02
read inside. why not if
T00TO.o2004-10-04 00:58:53
回复:read inside. why not if
normalman2004-10-04 03:19:25
回复:回复:read inside. why not if
T00TO.o2004-10-04 05:02:07
tnx all for helping!!! :D
ymud2004-10-05 18:54:48
也可以用switch case的