littleMMnow2004-10-18 12:30:07
I got a bit virus. can not remove

The name Backdoor w32.Hacdef.073

I tried
1. delte all of the temp file in internet
2. switch offf system restore
3. in "safe mode"
4. antivirus catch one something like fydevyx.sys in system32 under windows

the problem is

the regedit.ext will be terminated by this virus
the antivirus like hijakthis after download will not be seen on my disk(hidden by the Trojan program)

The big problme is I can not even log in into this column of the Wenxuecity

But the other section is ok like " Ren Zai Bei Mei"( people in North American)

help me pls. I tried so many time, but each time I reboot the computer, the virus come again.

iknowiknow2004-10-19 03:19:42