SDSDSDSD2004-10-22 13:55:37
I bought a used dell notebook from ebay. It comes with window 2000. Now, the window 2000 does not work any more, it does start but the desktop interface never show up. In safe mode, the desktop interface shows up. However, the cdrom does not recognize anything.

I have my own window 2000 and xp, how can I install my windows?

urgent, please help.
old-cotton2004-10-22 14:39:02
SDSDSDSD2004-10-22 15:00:47
give me more details
天天古狗2004-10-22 15:29:51
of course it won't let you...
tryit!!2004-10-22 17:22:44
回复:urgent, about window2000,
没法直接接台式机2004-10-22 19:00:35
没法直接接台式机2004-10-22 19:00:35