roy5162004-11-02 07:15:58
我有两台电脑用CABLE MODEM上网.10月28日晚,我在一台手提电脑上看新浪新闻.没关机,1小时后,突然不能上网, 经检查, IP地址已被更改. 想用"ipconfig -renew"恢复IP地址失败. 手动设置IP地址后仍不能上网.应该自动设置IP地址,但是,自动设置的IP地址是错的.现在只能一台机器上网.请怎样设置IP地址才能上网.以下是具体信息:
Your computer was unable to automatically configure the IP parameters for the Network Card with the network address 000BDBD64691. The following error occurred during configuration: WSAStartup cannot function at this time because the underlying system it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable. .
roy5162004-11-02 19:12:24
应该找他们2004-11-03 00:49:47