girlpower2004-11-15 07:09:14
I've just openned a hotmail account and noted my capacity is 2MB. I remember several of you here said your capacity is 200MB (or 100MB?). Do you have paid service or use tricks to expand it? :-)
samkee0072004-11-15 08:10:10
回复:hotmail 2MB vs. 200MB
forthat2004-11-15 20:43:33
agree, nobody knows the reason
girlpower2004-11-16 10:02:02
thank u samkee and forthat!
hotmail2004-11-16 12:24:49
回复:hotmail 2MB vs. 200MB
我觉得不是这样啊2004-11-16 18:36:59
回复:回复:hotmail 2MB vs. 200MB