SanJoseNorth2004-11-22 21:39:06
Hi, is there any linux expert here?

I need to install and use linux at home for academic reason, can
someone give me an update on different versions of linux?
1) what is the most popular linux system right now?
2) Redhat used to be very popular 5 years back, is it still the
most popular one? and what is the latest version for redhat
right now and where can I get it?
3) I have my old Redhat 5.0, it is not very easy to install because
I have to know my hardwares (network card, monitor, video card,
keyboard, ...) very well.

slacktty2004-11-22 23:31:40
回复:About Linux.
winlinux2004-11-23 03:22:46
回复:About Linux.