Hi there:
My computer stops working after I installed a new hard drive. The error I am getting is "Disk boot failure, insert system disk", and I tried different things but could not get rid of it.
Here is the configuration of my disks
Primary Master: disk 1, the original disk, with 2 partitiion, (originally C: and D). The D drive is system recovery drive, and I believe it is aslo the boot drive. It comes with the computer, and I never messed with it.
Primary slave: disk2, the new disk.
When I got into SETUP mode by pressing F1 immediately after rebooting, both disks were correctly detected.
I suspect the problem is due to the fact that disk 1 is partitioned into two drives, but could not figure out a way to correct it.
I noticed that there is software "Hard Drive Mechanic" that is supposed to address this kind of issuees, but would like to keep it as the last resort, as it is not cheap.
I would appreciate if any one can give me some ideas to correct this problem.
Thanks a lot!