anthony2004-12-20 15:39:13
I used dial-up to surf on internet at home. However, since yesterday, every time when I try to connect internet, it says that " there is no dialing tone". I have checked my password and the plug-in. Everything was fine, and I have just used it the day before yesterday, and I did not do anything to it at all. I am wondering if someone could please give me some suggestions.
I really appreciate it.

dial-up?2004-12-20 17:20:18
1st of all, Y R U still using
xyz1002004-12-20 17:33:22
回复:dial-up question
anthony2004-12-20 18:27:34
回复:1st of all, Y R U still using
女扮男装或男扮女装2004-12-20 18:55:20
anthony2004-12-20 19:17:16
HelpingHan2004-12-20 19:45:48
In Control Panel->Modem, there