onlytworeplies2005-01-28 03:52:54
I have a pretty repeative printing which I need to run everyday many times:

- imaging working with a worksheet containing product and company information, and how many boxes for shipping. I need to enter a number in a cell (saying B6), then print this worksheet; then I need to increase 1 to the number I just entered (say starting from entering 1, then enter 2, then 3, then 4.....), or decrease 1 from the number (saying starting from entering 10,then enter 9, then 8, then 7 .....), The worksheet is printed every time when a number is entered.

- when the last number entered equal to a value (saying 10 for starting from 1), I need to clear contents from three seperated cells (saying the cell B5, the cell A7 and the cell B9), then print the worksheet.

how to creat a Excel Macro to accomplish this task?

waiting for your input. Thanks.
user12005-01-28 05:35:31
question hard to understand
小张2005-01-28 07:04:23
vbdotnet2005-01-29 03:42:14
copy, past, and modify macro
虽没来得及run,但2005-01-29 18:24:26
Manythank2005-01-29 18:28:05
多谢, 多谢