1 Σ = { 0, 1 }. Show in details beginning from the trivial languges, Ø, { 0 } and { 1 } how the following languages of RAT(S) is formed.
a) words that consist of even amount of nulls (00 0000..)
b) words which have partial word (suffix or prefix) 101
c) words not including two ones one after another, so theres no 11 in words.
2 Make the grammatical linear to the right, producing the lanquages mentioned in the exercise 1 (for each languages their own grammaticism). Produce with the help of your grammaticism the words 000000, 0100101110 and 010001. Also make a grammaticism linear to the left and show how you direct the word 010001 using this grammaticism.
3 Σ = { 0, 1 }. Is RAT(S) = 2S* true ? Why ?
4 L and K are languages and their context-free grammaticism are GL = (VL, S, PL, SL) and GK = (VK, S, PK, SK). Make context-free grammaticism for languages LÈK, L×K and L*. You may assume that VL并VK = S.