我试着连我自己的两部电脑.在自家的network里用内部的IP很容易就连上.然后我把一部电脑连到隔壁的无线router上,把自己的router里的port forward给设好,用public IP也可以连到我自己的电脑上.再然后一部电脑还是连在隔壁的无线router上,另一部直接接到DSL的modem上,再找public IP,连不上了.这时两部电脑都在网上,IE和聊天的都可以用.总是出现这个错误The client could not connect to the remote computer. Remote connections might not be enabled or the computer might be too busy to accept new connections. It is also possible that network problems are preventing your connection. Please try your connection again later. If the problem continues to occur, contact your administrator.请问为什么?不是我没有enable remote connection,我在自己的network里都可以用,也不是too busy,因为就只有一个人在连接那部电脑,那会是什么的network problem呢,我该怎样设定?谢谢.
PS 我用的是Verizon的DSL