chopn2005-04-05 03:20:08
Great, i just need to increase my C: partition size to reclaim the lost D: !!
Oh shit, this is just demo, 'please call 1-800-ffaaffaa to order your software' blabla.

That was 30 some megabite, took me a good while to download!!!

Does anybody know anything else that is quick and free?
Grant2005-04-05 06:08:06
Grant2005-04-05 06:08:33
Are you using WinXP?
肝肠寸断散2005-04-05 06:48:35
google find crack.
chopn2005-04-05 12:59:35
回复:Are you using WinXP? yes
老靴2005-04-05 17:04:49
给我发个EMAIL, 我给你CRACK程序.
lani2010-04-14 03:34:23
回复:给我发个EMAIL, 我给你CRACK程序.