ble,please2005-04-07 22:04:35
I have a desktop PC use dial up modem to go to internet, and a laptop without a modem, both pc are Windows XP OS, and have a networking card, I have a crossover cable, I want to connect 2 pc with crossover cable, can some one give me the link to do that, or write down the procedure step by step,
thank you very much
DoASearch!2005-04-07 22:57:53
回复:connect 2 pc with crossover
n'twork2005-04-07 22:59:03
search at google already, does
kingy2005-04-07 23:32:13
Connect your pcs with the
007inUSA2005-04-08 02:31:51
回复:connect 2 pc with crossover ca