Alert! Windows security issues
Hello Everyone,
I would like to warn you of two recent security issues concerning windows computers.
1) e-mail is circulating around the world warning people of a windows security update and to follow the link to download/install the patch. DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK! It is a bogus e-mail trying to trick you into installing the update which is actually a trojan horse program which will compromise your computer and do bad things to it and you. Microsoft does not send e-mail to user concerning updates. Immediately delete this e-mail if you get it.
2) There have been recent exploits of AOL Instant Messager “AIM” and MS Instant Messager which compromised the sercurity of computers. Although it is not University Policy to prohibit the use of these programs, their use does pose a security risk. I recommend not using these services especially on work computers. In addition, Microsoft will soon be including advertising with its messager. Its only a matter of time before spyware is installed through this medium just like through Internet Explorer browsing the web.
Be carefull what you do and where you go on the net!