butnot.asp?2005-04-22 15:19:21
Some one passed me a challege: why the website only runs .htm file, but not .asp?

when launch the website, say, http://database.mygroup.org, it runs the defaul home.asp page with "hello world". The physicial home.asp resides on c:\database; and the IE address bar shows http://database.mygroup.org; not http://database.mygroup.org/home.asp.

However, when I put a line of code to redirect to myfirstpage.asp, or, add a link as My First Page, it shows the 404 file not found error; if I change both attmpts to myfirstpage.htm page, it works

The problem is: why the website only runs with .htm file, but not .asp?

Since I do not know the details of how the IIS had been configured, can any one here give me tips to point out why may be the resons, so that I can save my time to re-configure the IIS 5.0?

Many thanks.
老靴2005-04-22 15:43:13
我不懂这个, 但对网页有些兴趣, 于是找了些内容给你
紅袖子2005-04-22 16:07:50
回复:why the website only runs .htm
WhyNot.asp2005-04-22 16:45:41
回复:回复:why the website only runs .htm
Grant2005-04-22 16:49:01
because you dont have
Grant2005-04-22 16:49:44
must be a path error since
IDoHaveAll2005-04-22 16:56:17
回复:because you dont have
Grant2005-04-22 17:04:32
how about the case?
NotTheCase2005-04-22 17:16:49
not case sensitive; open all..
Grant2005-04-23 21:42:12
In terms of security, I meant