camel2005-05-01 13:07:06
这是past exam paper复习用的。。。


EEII03A -Computing Concepts & Technology
I have been running 3 jobs/tasks on my uni-tasking Operating System
sequentially but it was taking too long to complete the 3 jobs. I was
told to replace my operating system with a multi-tasking system and
run the 3jobs concurrently. However, when I did this I found that I
failed to get any significant speed up. Explain why I might have
expected a speed up in the overall time and the reason why the speed
up was not obtained.

2. What is virtual memory and how can it be used to produce a cost
effective memory storage system?

3 Using the term locality of reference and memory hierarchy explain how
a cost effective storage system can be produced.

4. What causes a hard disk to get fragmented?

5. What is the physical structure of a hard disk? How might the physical
structure of the hard disk affect its perfomance?

6 Explain why it is easier to edit a graphic or vector image file than a bit
map image file.

You have scanned in a picture and saved it as a bit mapped image.
However, the image file produced is too large to fit on a floppy disk. If
you had the option of using a loss-less compression method or a lossy
compression strategy, how would you decide which to use, and why?

8. Which type of communication interface is usually faster: USB, serial or
parallel? Explain your answer.
What is the difference between a WAN and a LAN?
What is the difference between point-to-point and broadcast
What is the difference between a hub and a switch?
What is the difference between a bridge and a gateway?

Give and example of either a bus or a ring LAN protocol and give a
briefly explain of how it works.
11 Given that the symbols 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F are used to represent
numbers, which symbols are used in
a) decimal numbers
b) binary numbers
c) octal numbers
d) base 12 numbers

12. A binary coded decimal number system has weights of -3, 6, 4, 2. Obtain the
values of the decimal numbers 4 and 9 in this code.

13. Obtain the truth tables for the following 2-input logic gates.

14. Decimal digits need to be encoded in a "2 in 5" error detecting code. Devise suitable
5-bit codes for the decimal digits 0 to 5.

15. Three people A, Band C can vote for (logical 1) or against (logical 0) a proposal.
Obtain the truth table of the function which indicates (F= 1) when a proposal has
majority support and obtain it simplest version using a Karnaugh map.

16. Use a Venn diagram or truth table equivalence, to prove that the following logical
equation is true.
A +B =A.B

17. Name the three types of computer memory described below.
a) Pits (holes) in an aluminium sheet
b) Magnetised small areas on a surface
c) Using set-reset flip-flops (electronic circuits) to store bits

18. Four pixels of a coloured image on a computer screen are shown below:
I 42 I 63J
I 51 I 12 I
The decimal number in each pixel is the value of a 6-bit string rl ro gl gl bl bo
where rl ro is the red intensity, gl go is the green intensity and bl bo is the blue
Describe the colours of the four pixels.

19. In the following diagram A and B are data streams from two separate cameras, and
C1 and C2 are binary control signals. What logical operations are needed in boxes 1,
2 and 3, and values on control signals C1 and C2 , for the output F to be
a) the data stream from camera A
b) the data stream from camera B

20. A computer screen has a resolution of 1000 by 600 pixels and each colour plane has
a resolution of 8 bits. If the screen is updated 25 times a second in order to display a
video sequence, calculate the data rate in bits per second required by the display.
太平洋2005-05-01 14:55:22
你真行啊.....2005-05-01 23:19:44
camel2005-05-02 06:29:47