recursive2005-05-15 02:33:46
日夜兄, 我执行了rstrui.exe, 并选择了问题发生之前的日期,但是System Restore弹出了提示"Changes made to drive(s) E;\ after this point cannot be reversed because the drive was either excluded from the System Restore monitoring, or was turned off or removed.", 我选择 OK 并继续执行.系统 restore后,仍无法找到 E;\.
我想,这应该和我用control panel 上的wireless network setup wizard 随便建了一个叫 a 的network 有关, 我在建立时选择了"use a USB flash drive (recommended)".是不是这个network a 占用了E;\ 的接口, 我现在不知如何删除这个 network a. 日夜兄再帮我想想办法.
日夜2005-05-15 16:39:32
回复:日夜兄, 请再帮忙看看.
肝肠寸断散2005-05-15 17:27:21
回复:日夜兄, 请再帮忙看看.