DVDproblem2005-05-23 04:05:38
I got some TV program from China and my DVD player can't play due to the differetrn area, then I tried to play on my computer DVD, but it still doesn't work.

Would anyone please tell me why? Can I fix it?

Your attention is appreciated.
UseAnyDVD2005-05-23 04:28:13
DVD Drive on PC has Region Too
DVDProblem2005-05-23 04:55:08
DVD Drive on PC has Region Too
trythis...2005-05-23 05:22:21
Just re-set your DVD player
肝肠寸断散2005-05-23 07:05:03
回复:DVD problem
FreeRegion2005-05-23 13:34:41
What is your DVD Player modle?
YouAreDone2005-05-23 15:32:33
Only 5 settings and
DVDProlem2005-05-23 17:16:45
回复:What is your DVD Player modle?
机子算了2005-05-23 23:16:06
Sony 是最难改变区码的机子,还是买个便宜的中国造的DVD