WindowsOSmemory2005-05-26 16:07:14
I have one cufusion about the way Windows using memory.

I use Windows XP. My configuration is: 1G RAM, 3.4G CPU.
And I have many software installed. Also, I have many applications
/instances running at the same time.

My computer is running slow. So, I open the Task Manager.
I found my memory usage is more than 700M. But, if I tried
to add the individual memory usage together, I just get a little
bit more than 200M.

Why are these two number different? Where are the 500M memory?
How to increase the performance?

老靴2005-05-26 18:49:10
老靴2005-05-26 18:49:57
少了个'不'字. 意思全变了...唉. 难怪文革时死那么多人
ppzcgg2005-05-26 19:03:26
寿比南山不老XUE?2005-05-26 21:24:44
WindowsOSm2005-05-27 03:49:49