DreamDream2005-06-05 04:29:44
Hi, ppzcgg and everyone,

Since I started using MSN messenger, I run into many problems with my computer (Win XP sp 2).
One problem is: Whenever I start using Adobe Reader 6.0, a window message pops up and saying: " window is configuring Window Messenger 5.1",then it says: the following program file Setup need update: MSNmessenger.exe and IE.exe. After I click "continue" it says "window messenger 5.1 installation package "messenger[1].msi" can not be found in C:\document and setting\owner\localsetting\temp. MSNmessenger.exe and IE.exe.
when I click either "continue" or "cancel", the cycle start over and over agine, it does stop. I have to use Ctrl-Alt-Delete to end the cycle.
Please help me out here. What's wrong with my Adobe reader 6.0?
Thank you in advance!
肝肠寸断散2005-06-05 04:52:43
回复:what is Window Messenger 5.1 ?
DreamDream2005-06-05 04:58:22
回复:回复:what is Window Messenger
大老鹰2005-06-05 06:19:54
对吧2005-06-08 13:45:36
同时登录2005-06-09 08:12:07