WindChimes2005-07-25 05:29:19
I built my computer last Aug. Albatron K8X800Pro motherboard;
AMD Athlon 64 3400+ CPU and 1GB memory. The six USB 2.0
hubs worked fine until several months ago. They are now very slow.
For example, if I copy a file of 1GB from the hard drive to a USB 2.0
flash drive it takes about 3-4 minutes, slower than the usual USB 2.0
speed but still tolerable. But if I copy a file of 1GB FROM the
USB 2.0 flash drive TO the hard drive it takes 1.5 hours!!! Really
riciduluous 'cuz this is even (much) slower than USB 1.0. I tried
device manager and it says all USB 2.0 controllers are working
properly. And I know my USB 2.0 flash drives are good since they
work on other computers with USB2.0 hubs with normal speed.

Any problem with my motherboard? Or did I wrongly install some
software that I shouldn't? Any suggestions?

Thanks for any help.

Wind Chimes

单身老猫2005-07-25 06:08:28
回复:USB 2.0 Problem
tty2005-07-25 06:22:59
要安装VIA usb drivers
n3v42005-07-26 00:41:34
回复:USB 2.0 Problem