WeirdWeird2005-07-26 21:52:53
Under Windows XP, I have installed ActiveState ActivePerl 5.8 for Windows and have many Perl files. When I click on those Perl files, they will start Command Prompt and run quickly there. After it is ran, the Command Prompt will be automatically closed, which makes it virtually impossible to see the results. (Of course, I can always manully start Command Prompt, CD to the folder where my Perl files are and run from Command Prompt. If I do so, the result will be there. But that's a lot of click and type than simply click on the Perl file.)

I thought that's one of the strange thing you simply can't change under XP. Then I got a new Dell Latitude D610 notebook a couple of weeks ago and I clicked on one of my Perl files. Guess what? The Command Prompt automatically launches and stay there for about 5 seconds with the result of my Perl file-run! That's really something I like. Than I thought perhaps I can configure Command Prompt to make it stay longer after I click on a Perl file. I simply clicked on properties of Command Prompt and did not find anything that I could configure it the way I like. Disappointed, I closed Command Prompt and clicked on another Perl file. Alas, the Command Prompt quickly came and quickly gone just like before (I mean like my other computers). How weird is that!

哪位高手有高招吗? 谢了...
ppzcgg2005-07-26 22:22:46
seems very easy
Grant2005-07-27 03:09:14
it's not gonna give you any
CutOnce2005-07-27 14:40:23
How do U know it's cgi scripts
WeirdWeird2005-07-27 18:42:19
回复:seems very easy
WeirdWeird2005-07-27 18:45:58
Perl does not have to be cgi.