lisalee2005-08-29 22:16:34
I am using Win XP. I got a bad problem today.

All it does is keep on dumping physical memory (blue screen) with remark:
STOP: c0000218 {registry file failure}
The registry cannot load the hive
or its log or alternate.
It is corrupt, absent, or not writable.
Beginning dump of physical memory
Dumping physical memory to disk:

This process keeps on going until I get sick and tired and shut down the power altogether.

Can anybody pls help.

Thanks in advance.
lisalee2005-08-30 02:56:09
回复:Boot from XP CD and repair it.
mcse20002005-08-30 04:46:37
Try Last Known Good Config
mcse20002005-08-30 04:51:16
You don't need to make boot CD