My computer does not start after 3 years usage. My configurations are:
Mother board: Abit Is7
Hard disk: 60GB as primary master IDE
40GB as primary slave IDR
DVD-RW as secondary master IDE
CD-RW as secondary slave IDE
128 MB GPA Video card
450W power supply.
When I tried to start the PC, the fan on then off immediately.
My power supply works fine. I measured it by DC meter. The result was the same after I changed the power supply to a 650W power supply.
I disabled the primary slave hard disk, the PC worked fine.
I tried to increase the primary master disk from 60GB to 80 GB, the problem occurred again.
Can anyone help me?
I guess the currency of my power supply is not big enough to driver the hard disk large than 60GB. My power supply is 650W now. Can any one help me?
Thank you very much.