Line Contains
50 char *b, q, *r;
200 b = getbuf ();
201 q = *b;
212 R = anotherfunction (b);
213-2003 /* we want to use ‘q’ and ’r’ here */
2000 char * getbuf ()
2001 {
2002 char buff [8];
2003-2050 /* unspecified buff defined here */
2051 return (char*) buff;
2052 }
1. What will be in variable ‘q’ after line 201 is executed? Under what conditions might this not be so?
2. Is there an alternative, but equivalent, way to write line 2000? If so, what is it?
3. Is getbuf() a reasonable function?
4. Will getbuf() execute at all?
5. Please comment on line 2051.
6. Is getbuf() good practice, and why?
7. What line not given should be provided for compilation?
8. How, exactly, could one get a second ‘char*’ to use back from this function? Be specific in terms of the exact syntax needed. (That is, provide code.) Another way to state this question is how can this function be modified to return a ‘char*’ (that is, it maintains the same return type) from the function, and an additional ‘char *’ value in one function call. Please make sure that your answer will work even if the size of the char * desired is not known in the outside calling function. Avoid (do no use) C++ syntax. Include statement in called and calling functions. Use food programming practice.
9. Qustion about SQL: There is a table with gene_ids (‘gid’) and clone_ids (‘cid’). Each gene only resides on a single clone and each clone may contain multiple genes. How do would you find how many genes are on each and every clone? Please provide the SQL.
10. What’s the difference between system calls and library functions?