165882005-10-25 20:52:15
The hard drive that came with my Dell Dimension desktop died after 2 years. The computer would not recognize it and in the BIOS, it says device "unknown". I ran a IDE diagnostic following Dell's online instructions and the result came back as "No Hard Drive found/installed"

I reinstalled XP on another hard drive and it works fine. So I guess the motherboard, socket and cable are OK. However, if I try to install this bad hard drive as a slave to the new drive I reinstalled, the system will not start and give me a "primary 0 drive" not found error. (I posted for help for that error message earlier). If I take out this drive, the computer works fine.

Is there anything I can do to this hard drive? There are some important data in there I did not get a chance to backup yet. I desperately want to get those data out.

Thanks for your help!
1981212005-10-25 20:59:34
external hard drive enclosure
165882005-10-25 22:24:44
Thanks! How does it work?
69592005-10-26 01:29:47
Enclosure did not work :(