时候问过问题,好多热行人都给了好的注意。总结了一下, 大致是找个DNS(用脚本监视你的IP 如果变化,自动在注册网站更新,而你的Domain Name 不变),然后 Configure your router to enable dynamic DNS service and port forwarding (e.g forwarding 8080 to your local server's 8080)。
为此,我找了tzo.com 为我的DNS, combine the webserver of tzo.com's. I can test the websever using tzo's client window software. It works. But when I try to use my domain name to access my website,I have got a message :The connection was refused when attamping to contact mydomainname.tzo.com:8000. I have a Actiontec router GT701-WG, I also tried to config port fowarding to (8000)to my private IP (my server machine). Set the static IP(private IP)on my machine too. I still get the same message.
Anyone Can help me again? I had post before for this question using多瑙河as my 注册笔名.
My purpose at the end is still want to use tzo combine Appatch webserver, but currently I need to get this simple tzo webserver to work. 大家帮帮我吧?叩谢!