712032005-11-18 17:54:36
加中文? 我加了几各中文,存盘是出现一错误信息: This file contains characters in Unicode format which will be lost if you save this file as an ANSI encoded text file, to keep the Unicode information, click cancel below and then the select one of the unicode option from the eccoding drop list.

我点了OK, 结果是中文变成一堆问号?

各位大狭, 该如何解决这一问题?

ppzcgg2005-11-18 20:15:22
in XP's notepad, select
CutOnce2005-11-18 21:35:38
utf-8 encoding is better in your case...
燕赵悲歌2005-11-18 22:53:50