24652005-12-21 15:14:48
WINDOWS 2003 SERVER, 支持ASP 和ACCESS.但是就是连不上数据库啊. 不晓的为什么
ACCESS 做的数据库放在这个文件里sundx.asa

连接的CODE 是这样写的:

connstr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath(""&sundxDB&"")
On Error Resume Next
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open connstr
If Err Then
Set Conn = Nothing
Response.Write "Cannot connect to Database, Please check the database in conn.asp file"'
End If

但是就是出现ERROR MESSAGE "Cannot connect to Database, Please check the database in conn.asp file", 请问如何解决啊? 先谢谢了!

爱我家2005-12-21 16:19:54
try hardcoded connection string.
241492005-12-22 18:39:24
回复:try hardcoded connection string.