wang1232005-12-26 21:08:55
I have seen some .vcd file. But I have no idea what it is. If anyone know it, clould you tell me what it is and how to open it. Thanks.
702492005-12-26 23:06:50
.vcd 文件包含各种控制信息,用于播放机及播放软件,详见内
wang1232005-12-27 00:49:48
回复:.vcd 文件包含各种控制信息,用于播放机及播放软件,详见内
702492005-12-27 02:13:02
Try to change 01A.vcd into 01A.mpg and play it !
wang1232005-12-27 03:43:23
回复:Try to change 01A.vcd into 01A.mpg and play it !
wang1232005-12-27 03:45:17
I cahnge the file from 01A.vcd to 01A.mpg, but it still doesn't
70732005-12-27 15:20:59
那就不是通常所说的 Video CD 了。可能是别的什么应用,google 一下
wang1232005-12-27 15:40:22
Thank you very much, I will try google.