701262006-01-05 18:55:24
请教Windows 2000电脑显示中文的问题

我收到国内电子邮件都是乱码. 但是我可以阅读中文网站, 我也可以打中文.

请问我需要下载什么软件做支持? 我读了这里的帖子, MS AppLocale显然不
适合Windows 2000的电脑.

我该怎么办? 谢谢您的指教!!!
奉旨灌水2006-01-05 19:07:09
most likely you need re-encoding those email
701262006-01-05 19:21:56
谢谢灌水, 试了这些方法, no workable.我该怎么办?
mmjsh2006-01-05 20:47:56
701262006-01-05 21:49:21
mmjsh, 非常感谢您的回复!
156192006-01-05 22:15:14
In your web browser,
henri7452006-01-05 22:21:37
u can change the DEFAULT language system to simple chinese
241282006-01-06 21:04:38
Yes he is right, this will solve most of these problems