Lao2282006-02-08 20:10:43

It is not 单纯的IE问题, but a IE design problems - binding is the culprit (or we can say Windows design problems, but IE is an application on Windows). Let's simplify it. If there is no binding, IE can be much more free from the security troubles and protects Windows better. Binding is two side blade.

That's true. Both behaves excelent on different platforms. They have less security problems on OS.

Do you mean it takes the same "时间/精力配好IE并更新系统,补上漏洞" as that to install FF? If so, can you please give us your value results?

Do you know how many customers know how to use 外壳? Is the 外壳 the browser or IE?
王树临风2006-02-09 01:08:48
lao2282006-02-09 02:15:21
If you want 外行 ignore the security issues then ...
lao2282006-02-09 03:36:01
ppzcgg2006-02-09 05:21:02
宣传 FF 等最负面的地方就在于宣传你这种认识
ppzcgg2006-02-09 05:30:31
lao2282006-02-09 05:52:17
Lao2282006-02-09 06:01:22
我不同意你文中的观点并不等于"宣传 FF 是万灵药"
王树临风2006-02-09 17:08:24
lao228 的漏洞。。
王树临风2006-02-09 17:15:52
lao228 又中计了,
Lao2282006-02-09 19:44:06
Why do you avoid talking about "binding"
Lao2282006-02-09 19:50:40
World Wide cares the security very much now
Lao2282006-02-09 20:28:52
Here is something you maybe interested in