秀山2011-08-10 07:55:57

Paid eight dollars, drove through the 2.8 km long nice Holland Tunnel, all of sudden, I knew I was in Manhattan. Congested, congested, and congested. It's about 9 o'clock and dark.  Drove through Canal Street, first thing I realized was that there were so many one-way streets and the lanes were just so narrow. Cross the Broadway area, took Center Street north, then made a right turn to east to Delancey St, passed William*****urg Bridge, thank God, I made it!!! I arrived at my destination late but I was so happy that I did not get lost. 

I learned two things today. One, New York is not a CITY for driving around, no kidding. Two, GPS is always my best friend. By the way, I have to say, New York people have the worst driving manners. 


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  • lep2011-08-10 15:27:28
    ya, GPS is the best friend. 有照片就更好了
    成长2011-08-10 16:06:09
    加州花坊2011-08-10 17:09:48
    swj20002011-08-10 22:45:20