走马读人2013-01-14 16:41:53
詞 word, term differ from 詞 speech, statement 有別. My research on certain part of the first catagory has surpassed even the authority while in the second one I have to work harder for it is deeper and more involved in some regard. Late, but what complaint can do for any good?
By the way, aroud Apr. my book proposal will get reply from publisher.
SINEAD42732013-01-14 17:12:09
Congratulations! THX again!
加州花坊2013-01-14 21:52:12
走马读人2013-01-15 04:00:22
谢谢 vs. xie4jue2, can be analysed.
成长2013-01-15 15:11:38
小源2013-01-15 15:29:07
走马读人2013-01-16 03:16:48
Thanks! This book will make you laugh.
走马读人2013-01-16 13:13:50
thx for the compliment, now I complement, I'll supplement.