广陵晓阳2013-02-28 14:06:58

从左到右:2013年奥斯卡最佳男主角Daniel Day-Lewis,最佳女主角Jennifer Lawrence,最佳女配角Anne Hathaway,最佳男配角Christoph Waltz。

音乐:电影 “Lincoln”插曲12- 《Freedom's Call》



星期二傍晚与马拉松训练团队的朋友们在一所中学的跑道上进行speed interval训练时,助理教练Dennis恭喜我猜测奥斯卡最佳男、女主角和最佳男、女配角4个奖项中猜对3个。我笑着对他说:“可惜,上个星期六长跑猜奖时,我们俩没有打赌。”Dennis哈哈大笑说:“是啊,幸好没有打赌。否则,我就亏了。”接着,他告诉我一个消息:今年奥斯卡最佳男主角奖获得者Daniel Day-Lewis将息影5年。虽然为今后5年欣赏不到Day-Lewis的新影片感到遗憾,但我对这个消息并不感到惊讶,因为Day-Lewis以前就不止一次从电影表演生涯的高峰决定休息几年,将更多的时间与妻儿在一起以及做其它感兴趣的事情。

当代西方电影演员中,我特别喜欢和欣赏的男演员就是今年奥斯卡最佳男主角奖获得者Daniel Day-Lewis,特别喜欢和欣赏的女演员是今年为Daniel Day-Lewis颁奖的Meryl Streep。出生和成长在英国、拥有英国和爱尔兰双重国籍的Daniel Day-Lewis是一位重视质量、不追求数量的优秀电影演员,是至今唯一一位3次获得奥斯卡最佳男主角的演员。特别欣赏的是他对他扮演的每一个角色所做的深度研究、激情投入、和精湛表演。他得到过5次奥斯卡最佳男主角奖提名,获得过3次,分别为扮演电影My Left Foot(1989)中的Christy Brown, 电影There Will Be Blood (2007)中的Daniel Plainview, 以及电影Lincoln (2012)中的Abraham Lincoln。

最早知道Daniel Day-Lewis的名字不是因为欣赏了他表演的电影,而是我在80年代后期在英国留学时阅读到英国当代著名诗人Cecil Day Lewis的相关文章。英国诗人Cecil Day Lewis是Daniel Day-Lewis的父亲,只是这位诗人发表诗作时不将自己的姓Day和 Lewis用一横连接;Daniel Day-Lewis的母亲是英国演员Jill Balcon。现年55岁的Daniel Day-Lewis年轻时与一位法国女演员恋爱拖拍6年也没有进入婚姻殿堂;然而,他与现在的妻子美国电影导演、编剧和演员Rebecca Miller相识不到1年就结婚,并且至今已经16年,不得不使人感叹恋爱婚姻中人与人的缘份。Rebecca Miller是美国当代著名剧作家和散文家Arthur Miller的女儿。Daniel Day-Lewis和Rebecca Miller的婚姻大概与他们相似的浓厚文学艺术成长背景有一定关系吧。

听我如此娓娓道来Daniel Day-Lewis的电影表演生涯和家庭背景,马拉松训练团队的队友们笑称我为Daniel Day-Lewis的粉丝,我笑着回答 “那当然”。星期二晚餐时,我向先生汇报了我与马拉松训练团队队友们的相关交流和八卦。他戏称我为“追星大妈”,我笑着回答“曾经是追星青年,如今是追星大妈,未来是追星老奶奶。生命不息,追星不止。”听了我如此直言不讳的追星大话,他哈哈大笑。

注1:我喜欢的Cecil Day Lewis诗之一《A Hard Frost》

A frost came in the night and stole my world
And left this changeling for it - a precocious
Image of spring, too brilliant to be true:
White lilac on the window-pane, each grass-blade
Furred like a catkin, maydrift loading the hedge.
The elms behind the house are elms no longer
But blossomers in crystal, stems of the mist
That hangs yet in the valley below, amorphous
As the blind tissue whence creation formed.

The sun looks out and the fields blaze with diamonds
Mockery spring, to lend this bridal gear
For a few hours to a raw country maid,
Then leave her all disconsolate with old fairings
Of aconite and snowdrop! No, not here
Amid this flounce and filigree of death
Is the real transformation scene in progress,
But deep below where frost
Worrying the stiff clods unclenches their
Grip on the seed and lets
the future breathe.

注2:马拉松训练团队助理教练Dennis今天早晨转发来的Daniel Day-Lewis将息影5年相关文章节选

What’s next for this year’s Oscar winners?
By Mark Deming (http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/2013-oscars/next-oscar-winners-215741077.html)

“……Daniel Day-Lewis, on the other hand, isn't planning on making another movie anytime soon after his Best Actor triumph in "Lincoln." (After winning a third Oscar, it's not like he has much to prove as an actor). Day-Lewis will be taking a five-year sabbatical from acting, and intends to spend time on his farm in rural Ireland, where he'll look after his family and indulge his interest in stone masonry.

Of course, this is not the first time the actor had taken a break to reflect and recharge -- five years passed between Day-Lewis's role in 1997's "The Boxer" and his return to the screen in "Gangs of New York," and his role as Abe Lincoln came three years after 2009's "Nine……”

  • 元宵节
  • 与朋友一起猜测今年奥斯卡获奖电影、导演和演员
  • 婆家同乡春节聚餐
  • 我们屯的春节园游会
  • 一个失望的情人节
  • 小源2013-02-28 15:52:02
    I love Meryl Streep :))
    成长2013-02-28 17:02:24
    bymyheart2013-02-28 18:37:54
    加州花坊2013-02-28 18:50:54
    xxq20012013-03-01 02:00:27
    看过Daniel Day-Lewis演的 Gandhi 还有 The Age of Innocence。
    广陵晓阳2013-03-01 04:04:10
    广陵晓阳2013-03-01 04:18:39
    广陵晓阳2013-03-01 04:20:38
    广陵晓阳2013-03-01 12:35:37
    电影《A Room with a View》(中文《看得见风景的房间》或《翡冷翠之恋》男主角就是他。
    广陵晓阳2013-03-01 12:39:13
    他是一位优质低产演员,确实演的电影不多。《Gandhi》和《The Age of Innocence》都是好题材电影,
    粮油2013-03-01 18:51:24
    广陵晓阳2013-03-02 05:08:20