Dear friends and family,
As you know, I will be running in the Chicago Marathon on Sunday. This will be my third marathon and first marathon for which I had to prepare during the scorching summer months in TTT. Chicago is also first of the two marathons that I will run for Organization for Autism Research (OAR)this year.
I am ready… for many reasons.
I am ready because I ran almost 1000 miles to prepare for this event. I am ready because the average temperature in which I was running was more than 80 degrees. I am ready because the humidity in HHH hasn’t been less than 100% for many months now.
Most of all, I am ready because I have your support. Through your generosity, I have been able to raise $X,XXX for the OAR. The great people at OAR will use this money to fund research that will one day explain the reasons why perfectly healthy kids like my daughter K can’t find a way to deal with the things the rest of us take for granted. I love you all for that.
At some point it will get really tough on Sunday. The dreaded wall. Knowing that I have you all behind me will drive me to finish stronger than ever before. I dedicate every inch of the 26.2 miles ahead of me to you.
Dear P,
Your email moved me to tears. I pray someday there will be a breakthrough for K and for all kids on the spectrum. She is blessed to have a father like you who will fight for her and be her champion.
I’m so proud of you for pushing through the heat and the humidity. No matter what will happen tomorrow when gun goes off, you are a winner. Min and I will be thinking of you and praying for you every step of the way.