广陵晓阳2014-06-25 19:06:22

I visited a very good friend at a hospital this morning with gifts that Min bought for her and her hu*****and from Netherlands. I also shared with them the organic sesames and organic nuts harvested from my parents-in-law’s farm in China. Even though this friend is seriously ill, she keeps her dignity and grace. Her hu*****and’s gentle love and devoted care to her is so distinct in such difficult time.

I am not only deeply touched by my friend’s faith and resilience to fight the dreadful disease, but also moved by her hu*****and’s love and dedication to her. In her youth, my friend was a beauty and pursued by many young men. She made the right choice to marry her hu*****and. After more than 40 years of marriage, their love still goes strong. Their affectionate relationship reminds me Yeats’ poem “When You Are Old”:
“……How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true;
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face……”

As what expressed in "Love's Sorrow" and "Love's Joy" composed by Austrian musician Fritz Kreisler, love is not a monotonous melody, but the sorrow and joy interspersed Concerto. May God bless this wonderful couple with many more years ahead.

广陵晓阳2014-06-25 20:19:13
Recently, I knew three Chinese female friends diagnosed with lung cancer.
coach19602014-06-25 21:35:39
I am pretty sure that the couple must be proud and thankful of being your friend !
广陵晓阳2014-06-26 03:51:06
成长2014-06-26 04:18:04
Indeed! 因华人的烹饪习惯,使得非吸烟妇女患肺癌的大有人在啊。
广陵晓阳2014-06-26 04:36:18
加州花坊2014-06-26 06:08:41
加州花坊2014-06-26 06:10:56
小源2014-06-27 17:27:07
There is not much you can do to prevent lung cancer, unfortunately.