加州花坊2011-06-14 22:30:16





Rick Warren's Daily Devotional
诗篇 116:7 我的心哪,你要仍归安乐,因为耶和华用厚恩待你。
箴言 3:5 你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明, 
箴言 14:30 心中安静,加添寿命,嫉妒使骨中朽烂。


上帝给了你身体作礼物,并且给了你一本操作指南 - 圣经。在里面有所有保健和长寿的守则。


信靠上帝有利健康- “你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明。(箴言3:5)”为什么相信上帝会对你的健康有好处呢?因为当你信靠他时,你就不会焦虑。


你有一个选择 - 你可以担心或赞美崇拜,你可以祈祷或者惊慌。


圣经箴言14:30说,“心有平安,加添寿命,嫉妒使骨中朽烂。 ”关键不是你吃什么,而是什么在吃你。你可以吃所有正确的长寿和有机食品,但如果你的身体充满怨恨,焦虑,恐惧,欲望,内疚,愤怒,痛苦,或任何其他情绪引发的疾病,这将缩短你的生命。


Trust Leads to Good Health

God has given you the gift of your body and it comes with an owner's manual - the Bible. In it are all the instructions you need to take care of yourself and live a long life.

You already know the basics - proper nutrition, exercise, a good night's rest. Today I want to look at the first of four health factors you may not have thought of for living long and well.

Trusting God is good for your health -- "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5 NIV) Why is trusting in God good for your health? When you trust Him then you don't worry.

Psalm 116:7 says, "I said to myself, "Relax, the Lord is going to take care of you'" (NCV). If you really trust in God, you're going to be less stressed.

You have a choice - You can either worry or worship. You can either pray or panic.

The more you pray, the less you'll panic. Relax, because God will take care of you!

The Bible says in Proverbs 14:30, "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones" (NIV). It's not just what you eat that matters, it's what eats you. You can have all the right macrobiotics and organic food, but if your body is filled with resentment, worry, fear, lust, guilt, anger, bitterness, or any other emotional disease, it's going to shorten your life.

苗青青2011-06-15 16:43:25