龙山鹰2019-02-27 17:27:35

捷克诗人(Bohumil Mathesius) 博胡米尔 马提修斯的英文诗译 A Sleepless Night 由中文翻译而来, 求网友帮帮助,找到中文诗的原作和出处。在此致谢!

A  Sleepless Night

Poet: Chan I or Han Yi


Bamboo swaying in the wind,

The moon sits on hard stone.

Shadow of wild ducks flying fast across the Milky way.


I am thinkinf of our meeting again.

My dream like sun's ray,

quivering sun'd ray,

And now while I'm singing for joy, I am singing, singing.


Mappie's chatter wakes the day, awakes the day, wakes the day.